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Nov. 10 2020
Getting cows pregnant not only returns them to productivity quicker, the value of those calves can provide a significant revenue stream for the dairy
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June 17 2020
I don’t have kids. I mean, I have 500 Jerseys that are basically like toddlers, so maybe I do? However, I am a farm kid. So, allow me a moment to remind farm parents of
Feb. 17 2020
Michael Steele, University of Guelph, presented “Nutritional regulation of gut function in calves: colostrum and milk.” He shared the details about rearing newborn calves, and why those processes...
Feb. 10 2020
Ten years ago, or even just five, it’s likely safe to guess that not many people thought about food on the cellular level. If they did, it was probably not about using cells to create entirely new...
Nov. 8 2019
Many of you come from small dairy farms like I did. For some, family members make up the entire labor force that must complete the daily work associated with dairy farming
Oct. 22 2019
Although there is always room for improvement, the United States dairy industry has been a leader in milk quality
Oct. 9 2019
We’ve never been the herd with the lowest somatic cell count (SCC). Our numbers have always bounced around, and we’ve literally tried everything to stabilize them
Oct. 1 2019
If you are lucky enough to find yourself sitting ringside during one of the World Dairy Expo dairy cattle shows, there’s an opportunity for you to place the animals right along with the official...
Aug. 28 2019
My biggest annoyance with animal activists is that they tend to focus on how similar animals and humans are, and they’re not completely wrong
Aug. 27 2019
This year’s forage production, particularly the alfalfa crop, has been scarred by 2019’s volatile weather
Aug. 6 2019
Today, my family will lay my grandfather to rest. In his casket, we’ll place a bottle of whiskey for his safe keeping into eternity
July 30 2019
820 million. That’s the number of people in the world that remained food insecure in 2018
June 28 2019
It can be a struggle to continue to be on the top of your game when margins are tight and labor is challenging
June 11 2019
The last thing the dairy industry needed while it’s down is an abuse video . . . but that’s exactly what we got
May 8 2019
We’ve never been that herd with the consistently low somatic cell count (SCC). Back when quality bonuses were a thing, we rarely hit the highest bonus level even though we tried everything to bring...
April webinar
April 15 2019
We have been taught there are steps to follow when milking a cow. Books have been written about protocols in the parlor . . . but do they always get followed?
April 5 2019
Having eyes on your parlor all the time doesn’t sound like a bad thing
March 18 2019
Brian Schilling of Schilling Farms LLC, in Darlington, Wis., along with the herd’s veterinarian, BJ Jones, D.V.M., presented “This award-winning herd talks about reproductive strategies”...
March 5 2019
We live in the day and age of social media. Something that was just getting started a decade ago, is now a major part of our daily lives
Feb. 18 2019
When it is hot outside, the future of your herd is impacted — and that is not just while the temperature is elevated